
Ulmarra & District War MemorialPrint Page Print this page

1920s (Australian War Memorial : H17887)
1920s (Australian War Memorial : H17887)

Photographs supplied by Judith Powell / Russell Byers

The monument was originally erected to commemorate those from the District who died in service or were killed in action in World War One with a plaque added at a later date to commemorate those who lost their lives in World War Two. 

Bronze plaques have now been added to commemorate those who served in the Korean War, the Malayan and Borneo confrontations, the Vietnam War and Peace Keeping Operations. 

The monument has been restored and the original white marble plaques have been replaced with plaques of black granite. 

There was a very large attendance at the unveiling of the Ulmarra soldiers and sailors memorial yesterday afternoon. The monument is near the approach to the public wharf, and contains 26 names. The unveiling ceremony was performed by the mothers of deceased soldiers and sailors. Mr. F. J. Yalden, president of the Ulmarra branch of the R.S.S.I.L. was in charge, of the proceedings, and, in addition to speeches by prominent citizens, an appropriate service was gone through. Prior to the ceremony, returned soldiers, under command of Lieut. Wilcox, and the Boy Scouts, under Troop Leader D. Parker, headed by the Grafton Salvation Army Band, marched through the streets to the monument, on which wreaths were deposited.
Daily Examiner (Grafton, NSW), 28 April 1924. 


Address:Coldstream Street, Memorial Park, Ulmarra, 2462
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -29.631093
Long: 153.026964
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Sunday 27th April, 1924
Front Inscription

[ Names ]

Plaque :

This monument was erected by the returned sailors and soldiers of Ulmarra and District,

In memory of their comrades who fell during the Great War 1914 - 1918

For God, King and Empire.

Plaque :

Also in memory of the Ulmarra members of the forces who gave their lives in the 1939 - 45 war.

[ Names ]


Back Inscription

Peace Keeping Forces

1950 - 53

1957 - 58

1962 - 72

1964 - 66

Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au