
Centenary of the Upper Clarence Light HorsePrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Diane Watson / John Huth

The monument commemorates the centenary of the formation of the Upper Clarence Light Horse unit by Charles Chauvel of Tabulam Station.

Tabulam`s involvement with the Light Horse goes back to 1885 when the Chauvel`s owned Tabulam Station. The old Captain, Charles Chauvel, had been an Indian Army man and, with the Russian scare in mind, he offered to raise a body of fit and able men to serve, if necessary, on the North West Frontier. The result was that in October 1885, the two troops of the Upper Clarence Light Horse were formed, No 1 (Tabulam) and No 2 (The Border).

On New Year`s Day 1886, 129 men were sworn in and there was a banquet and great rejoicing in McLean`s Tabulam Hotel that night. The first official duty of the new troops was to form a guard of honour at the opening of the Tenterfield Railway in February 1886.


Address:Clarence Street, Tabulam, 2469
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -28.889248
Long: 152.567858
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict
Designer:Father John Casey


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 5th October, 1985
Front Inscription

This memorial was erected to commemorate the formation of the Upper Clarence Light Horse.  The forerunner of the Light Horse on the Northern Rivers.  

It was formed in October, 1885 by C. H. E. Chauvel of Tabulam Station.

No 1 Troop was at Tabulam  O. C. was C. H. E. Chauvel who commanded both troops 
No 2 Troop, the Border, had as O.C. Captain J. S. Smith and as 2nd. Lieut. H. G. Chauvel later Sir Harry Chauvel

In 1887 Casino replaced the Border Troop and became No. 2 Troop U.C.L.H.
In 1888 No. 1 Troop changed to Mounted Infantry.
In 1888 No 2 Troop was renamed the Richmond River Light Horse

In 1905 after Federation, the units of the N.S.W. Lancer Regt. reverted to Light Horse.
This unit became the 5th Light Horse Regt. (New South Wales Mounted Rifles.)

In 1907 The unit was titled the Northern Rivers Lancers.  In 1918 the Regt. was renumbered the 15th Light Horse Regt.  

To perpetuate the 15th. Light Horse of the Desert Mounted Corps the Regt. was de-horsed in 1941 and became the 15th. Motor Regt. A.I.F. 1st Armoured Brigade, 1st Armoured Division.  It was disbanded in 1944

The unit was reformed in 1948 as "A"Squadron 15th. Amphibian Assault Regt. (Northern Rivers Lancers)  
In 1956 the unit disbanded and the number was linked with the 1st. Royal New South Wales Lancers and became the  1 / 15th.

This plaque was unveiled on the 5th. October, 1985 by Mrs Elyne Mitchell daughter of General Sir Harry Chauvel

Erected by West of the Range Historical Society and the 15th. Light Horse Motor Regt. Association


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au