
Lyle Rose RSL Memorial ParkPrint Page Print this page

Plaque Inscription: 02-September-2015
Plaque Inscription: 02-September-2015

Photographs supplied by Stephen Woods

The park commemorates those who have served in the various conflicts in which Australia has been involved. Within the park grounds are a granite Memorial Cenotaph dedicated in 1997 and the Columbarium dedicated in 2004. 

As a combined cemetery / memorial, names of those deceased during the previous year are added each November 11th.



Address:Fourth Avenue, Sawtell Memorial Park, Sawtell, 2452
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -30.369135
Long: 153.101468
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Park
Monument Theme:Conflict


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Sunday 3rd August, 1997
Front Inscription

Lyle Rose 
RSL · Memorial Park

Cenotaph :

To our glorious dead

"Lest We Forget"

Plaque :

Sawtell R.S.L. Sub-Branch Memorial Park

Cenotaph and Memorial Plaque Wall

Dedicated to all ex-service personnel who served their country in all war and peacekeeping conflicts

Dedicated by Lyle Rose


Lest We Forget


Inscription in Proximity

Columbarium :

Sawtell Memorial Park

We mourn them here - Our dreaming dead.
In this quiet hallowed place to heroes dedicate.

As once they loved all this - warm sands - sea breeze, tall trees and distant hills, 
The Magpies glory in the early morn -  we chose this spot.

We took our memories and placed them here, and planted trees, like memories evergreen
To thrive and grow more cherished with the years.
Speak quietly here - tread soft.  The men who loved these sands dream on.
The blessed peace for which they fought is theirs in this tree - ringed, green lovely spot.


Source: SKP, NRWM, MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au