
Deniliquin Cenotaph Print Page Print this page

19-January-2018 (Sandra Brown)
19-January-2018 (Sandra Brown)

Photographs supplied by Graeme Saunders / Roger Johnson / Sandra Brown

The cenotaph commemorates those who have served in the various conflicts in which Australia has been involved. It is a large stone cenotaph with a central roll of honour surmounted by a wreath. Two porticos lead through to the adjoining gardens.

DENILIQUIN. The foundation-stone of the Deniliquin soldiers' memorial was laid today by the Governor-General. The memorial is to take the form of entrance gates to Waring Gardens. The names of soldiers, of whom there were over 400, will be inscribed. The estimated cost is £1900.
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW), 31 March 1922.  

In the presence of a large gathering of town and district residents the ceremony of unveiling Deniliquin's war memorial was performed yesterday afternoon by the Mayor (Mr A. H. Windeyer), and subsequently the monument was dedicated by Chaplain Captain E. Jellicoe Rogers.The unveiling ceremony commenced with the singing of the hymn "O, God, Our Help in Ages Past" and by an address by Mr Windeyer. At the outset he expressed regret that none of the distinguished personages who had been invited to unveil the memorial was able to be present, and he said that while he was not unmindful of the honor that had fallen to his lot, he had grave doubts as to his ability to fittingly perform the ceremony. 

Continuing, Mr Windeyer said that the memorial bore the names of over 500 soldiers, and when the size of the town and district was considered he thought the names inscribed represented a very striking proportion of enlistments, and the numbers certainly spoke volumes for the enthusiasm and the patriotism displayed by the men in this part of the country. Most families had a representative in the A.I.F., and some as many as two and three. 

The Mayor then drew aside a large Union Jack that covered the front of the memorial, and in conclusion be said he wished to exhort those who passed the memorial to pay respect to those who had proved their manhood — whose fame would be on record for their children's children and for ever. The gathering then sang "Nearer, my God, to Thee," and after the reciting of the Lord's prayer, Chaplain Rogers dedicated the memorial; this being followed by the sounding of the Last Post and Reveille. 
Excerpt from The Independent (Deniliquin, NSW), 13 October 1922.


Address:Cressy & Napier Streets , Deniliquin, 2710
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -35.529004
Long: 144.96271
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict
Designer:Mr. Waldrope


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Thursday 12th October, 1922
Front Inscription

1914 + The Great War+ 1919

Roll of Honour

+ These gave their lives +  

[ Names ]

This stone was laid by His Excellency the Right Hon Lord Forster PC GCMG Governor General of Australia

30th March 1922

For the Memorial Committee
A. H.  Windeyer     Mayor
R. A. P. MacLeod   Hon Sec


Left Side Inscription

Erected by a grateful public

1939  World War II  1945

These gave their lives

[ Names ]

Lest We Forget

Back Inscription

These gave their services abroad
[ Names ]

Home service
[ Names ]

1939 - 1945
These also served
[ Names ]

1939 / 45
[ Names ]

[ Names ]

[ Names ]

Plaque :

In memory of Korea

1950 - 1956

Plaque :

Commemorating all women of the armed forces from Deniliquin & District who served in World War 2.  

1939 - 1945

Tribute from Soroptimist International of Deniliquin


Right Side Inscription

In memory of the glorious dead

1939  World War II  1945

These gave their lives

[ Names ]

Lest We Forget

Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au