
Darlington Point Memorial CentrePrint Page Print this page

Gate : 03-July-2015
Gate : 03-July-2015

Photographs supplied by Sandra Brown / Roger Johnson

The Darlington Point Memorial Centre commemorate those who died in service or were killed in action during World War Two.

Another phase of the work of the Darlington Point War Memorial Community Centre Committee is about to commence, a review of the aims and activities of the committee is timely. On the cessation of world hostilities, a public meeting of citizens at Darlington Point gave consideration as to what would constitute an appropriate memorial to those local men and women who paid the supreme sacrifice whilst serving in the armed forces. Ultimately, it was decided to build a Community Centre in progressive stages, the first stage to occupy the attention of this generation, being the erection of soldiers' club rooms and playing equipment for children.

The selection of a community centre as a memorial is in keeping with modern thought, which aims at memorials of a utilitarian nature. Moreover, a group of buildings which serve the varied interests of the entire community epitomises much of the spirit of the soldiers who gave their all for the community from which they enlisted. The memorial committees, which are elected annually, have so far been occupied with certain preliminary activities. The constitution embodying the aims and objects of the committee has been registered, whilst officialdom has approved that donations made to the committee are rebatable deductions for income tax purposes. A large block of land some acres in extent and situated in the centre of the town was donated for the memorial by Mr. Donald Ross. Within recent weeks this land has been transferred to the Murrumbidgee Shire Council, which is acting as trustee in perpetuity.

The committee has purchased and erected by voluntary labour a great variety of cyclone steel playing equipment, all of which has proved very popular with local and visiting children. Water piping has also been laid on the ground by the same method. At the moment the committee has £350 in hand, and they propose to augment this fund by making a direct letter appeal for donations to all local business people and landholders. The committee, in anticipating a more plentiful supply of building materials in the near future, is hopeful of generous donations to their appeal, which would allow of an early commencement of the building of club rooms.

These proposed club rooms would be an undoubted asset to the town, whilst membership would be available to all local residents.
Narandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser (NSW), 11 March 1949.


Address:Carrington Street (Kidman Way) & Hay Road, Darlington Point, 2706
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -34.571512
Long: 145.996628
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Structure
Monument Theme:Conflict


Front Inscription
Memorial Centre
Left Side Inscription

Gates :

In memory of those who gave their lives for God, King & Country

1939 - 1945

Right Side Inscription

Gates :

[ Names ]

Source: NRWM, MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au