
Coonabarabran War MemorialPrint Page Print this page

WW1 Plaque Inscription : July 2014
WW1 Plaque Inscription : July 2014

Photographs supplied by Diane Watson / Peter F Williams / Roger Johnson

The monument was originally erected to commemorate those from the District who served in World War One.

A plaque commemorating those who died in service or were killed in action in World War Two was added at a later date.

The unveiling of the Soldiers' Memorial Clock Tower took place at Coonabarabran on Wednesday, when a large crowd was present. Brigadier-General Cox performed the unveiling ceremony, and congratulated the people on the beautiful tower they had had erected. The tower cost £1300, and is built of local stone. An appeal for funds resulted in over £200 being subscribed. There is an additional £900 in hand.
The Sydney Morning Herald, 24th August 1928.


Address:Newell Highway & Dalgarno Street, Coonabarabran, 2537
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -31.273461
Long: 149.277245
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Wednesday 22nd August, 1928
Front Inscription

1914    1918

To perpetuate the memory of the men of Coonabarabran & District who served the Empire in the Great War 

"Their names live for evermore" 

Left Side Inscription

In memory of those from the Shire of Coonabarabran who gave their lives in the great war

1939 - 1945

[ Names ]

Back Inscription
[ Names ]
Right Side Inscription
[ Names ]
Source: MA,SKP
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au