
Berry War MemorialPrint Page Print this page

War Memorial 2 : 02-March 2015
War Memorial 2 : 02-March 2015

Photographs supplied by Peter F WIlliams

The monument commemorates those from the District who died in service or were killed in action during World War One and Two. It was originally erected to commemorate those from World War One. 

The Gardens surrounding the Cenotaph were extensively remodelled in 1992 and the plaques that originally stood at the base of the trees in the Memorial Avenue were moved to the gardens where they were fixed to six sandstone freestanding walls that flank the cenotaph with eleven new plaques commemorating the World War Two dead.

The unveiling of the Berry Soldiers' Memorial will take place on Tuesday next at 2.00 p.m., by his Excellency Sir Walter Davidson, State Governor. 
The Shoalhaven News and South Coast Districts Advertiser (NSW),
14 January 1922.


Address:Alexandra Street, ANZAC Memorial Park, Berry, 2535
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -34.779517
Long: 150.696702
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Tuesday 17th January, 1922
Front Inscription

Lest We Forget

1914 - 18
[ Names ]

Plaque : 

1939 - 45 

"Sons of this place let this of you be said that you who live are worthy of your dead.

These died that you who live may reap a richer harvest ere you fall asleep" 

[ Names ]

Plaque :

To the memory of the men from this District. 

Who gave their lives for the empire in the Great War.

1914 - 1919.

1939 - 1945.

Inscription in Proximity

Berry War Memorial Gardens

As a part of the renovation and restoration of these gardens in 1992, the plaques of the fallen of World War 1 were  transferred to the Cenotaph from their original positions shown below.  

The ashes of Sgt. Robertson and some members of his family were placed at the base of Tree No 1.  

Soil from this area has been scattered in the Gardens in the vicinity of this plaque.

Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au