
Balranald War MemorialPrint Page Print this page

Balranald War Memorial
Balranald War Memorial

Photographs supplied by Roger Johnson / Sandra Brown

The monument commemorates those from Balranald and District who have served in the various conflicts in which Australia has been involved.  It is a white marble World War One soldier, arms reversed, on a granite obelisk.

It was originally erected to commemorate those from the District who died in service or were killed in action in World War One and was unveiled by the Governor of New South Wales, Sir Walter Davidson in 1922. The names of those from the District who died in service or were killed in action in World War Two were added at a later date.

A plaque listing the names of those from the district who served in the Vietnam War is also located on the monument. 

The memorial, which is a handsome monument, stands 17ft. 3in. high and the base is 8ft. square. The pedestal is composed of selected Harcourt grey granite and the statue, which represents an Australian, soldier standing with arms reversed is 6ft. in height, and is of Italian marble, and shows skilful workmanship and great attention to detail. The Memorial Committee have received congratulations on all sides on the erection of such an attractive and beautiful memento in honor of our fallen soldiers. The structure was erected by Messre J. B. Wilson and Co., of Bendigo, and reflects the greatest credit on the contractors.
Excerpt from Vice Regal visit to Balranald,
Riverina Recorder (Balranald, Moulamein, NSW), 21st June 1922



Address:McCabe & Court Streets, Memorial Park, Balranald, 2715
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -34.644239
Long: 143.566886
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict
Monument Manufacturer:J. B. Wilson & Company (Bendigo,VIC)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Thursday 15th June, 1922
Front Inscription

Erected by the residents of Balranald and District

In honor and in lasting memory of their soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice in the Great War

1914 - 1919.

[ Names ]

Left Side Inscription
Korean War
1950 - 1953      1953 - 1956
Active Service   Peacekeeping
Back Inscription

In recognition of all service personnel from Balranald & District who served in the Vietnam War

1962 - 1973

[ Names ]

Right Side Inscription

Erected by the residents of Balranald and District

In honor and in lasting memory of their soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice in the Second World War

1939 - 1945.

[ Names ]


Source: MA,NRWM
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au