
Clayton War MemorialPrint Page Print this page

Plaque: 14-March-2017
Plaque: 14-March-2017

Photographs supplied by Sandra Brown

The monument cemmemorates those who have served in the various conflicts in which Australia has been involved.

It was originally erected at the Clayton Swimming Pool in 1966 and relocated to the Clayton RSL in 1990.  It was then was relocated from the Clayton RSL to this location in September 2018.



Address:Carinish Road & Kanooka Grove, RSL Memorial and Remembrance Space, Clayton, 3138
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -37.927376
Long: 145.124511
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:1966
Front Inscription

Lest We Forget


This memorial is a symbol of remembrance to all the men and women of Australia who have served in times of war.

It is a reminder that many have paid the supreme sacrifice to preserve the freedom and democratic way of life, which we take for granted.

Never forget them.


Right Side Inscription


Clayton`s original war memorial

Erected by the citizens at Clayton Swimming Pool in 1966 and relocated April, 1990


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au