
Sandstone War MemorialPrint Page Print this page

Plaque 2: 25-July-2016
Plaque 2: 25-July-2016

Photographs supplied by Erich Nussbaumer

The monument commemorates those from the Sandstone District who served in the various conflicts in which Australia has been involved.

A plaque at the bottom of the monument was unveiled in 1993 to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of Remembrance Day. 


Address:Hack Street, Park next to Shire Council Building, Sandstone, 6639
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -27.987316
Long: 119.296764
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict


Front Inscription

In memoriam

To those who served - from - Sandstone District - in -

World War I 1914 -1918
World War II 1939 - 1945
Korea - Vietnam

Erected by the Shire of Sandstone

Plaque : 

In memory of the fallen and the Unknown Australian Soldier

75th anniversary of Remembrance Day

11. 11. 93


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au