
Seaham Roll of HonourPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Sandra Brown

The wooden honour roll commemorates those from the district who served in World Wars One and Two, and the Korean and Vietnam Wars. The roll was originally unveiled in 1917 to commemorate those who served in World War One and contained nineteen names. 

The School of Arts was the scene of an impressive ceremony on Saturday evening, the 27th instant, when the roll of honour was unveiled in the presence of a large number of friends and visitors, by Mesdames Hain and Lamb. To Mrs. Hain belongs the honour of having three sons who have heard the call of King and country, viz., Gordon and Bob, now on the firing line and Jack who returned home wounded some months ago ; and Mrs. Lamb is also the mother of one whose name is on the roll, -Walter, who has just been reported dangerously wounded, The roll of honour is an oak tablet of a chaste design, the whole measuring 7 x 4ft., and the names are engraved in gold letters on a black ground, under the words "Roll of Honour, Seaham." 

This is surmounted by the crossed flags, the Union Jack and the Commonwealth, most artistically coloured, and these in themselves show merit of no mean order. In point of fact, the whole work was very much admired by all present. Mr. C. Carman, president of the School of Arts, occupied the chair and speeches were delivered by the Rev. M. Garbett and Major Windeyer (a veteran campaigner of Raymond Terrace), Councillors Ferry, Ralston and Bong, and Mr. H. Bluford, president of the local R.S.A. Apologies were received from the Hon. Walter Bennett, M.L.A., Mr. W. Brown, ex-member, Rev. J. S. Rapkins, and Mr. L. B. Fisher. The speakers all dwelt upon the splendid selfless spirit shown by those boys — nineteen in number — whose names appear on the roll, and the desire was voiced that the five soldiers' names which bear the significant mark showing they will never return to their native land, might be replaced in the firing line by some earnest patriots.
Maitland Daily Mercury (NSW), 3 November 1917.


Address:10 Warren Street, Seaham School of Arts & Community Hall, Seaham, 2324
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -32.661522
Long: 151.727995
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Designer:Mr Wise (West Maitland, NSW)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 27th October, 1917
Front Inscription

World Wars I & II


1914 - 18    1939 - 45
[ Names ]     [ Names ]
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Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au