
Eric Joseph Foote War Memorial SanctuaryPrint Page Print this page

Eric Foote Memorial Sanctuary Map: 08-09-2012
Eric Foote Memorial Sanctuary Map: 08-09-2012

Photographs supplied by John Huth

The Eric Joseph Foote War Memorial Sanctuary commemorates the loyalty and sacrifice of the Buderim people who died in service or were killed in action in World War One and World War Two. The land was donated to the Buderim Community by Arnold and Hubert Foote and named the the Eric Joseph Foote Park in memory of their brother who was killed on the Somme in France on September 13th, 1916.

The land on which the site sits was purchased by Joseph Foote in 1903. In 1948, Joseph's sons Arnold and Hubert donated seventeen and a half acres of the land to the Buderim Centre for the creation of the park. The park was surveyed and named in honour of their brother Eric Joseph Foote. The Buderim Community Centre, now named the Buderim War Memorial Community Association, asked the Maroochy Shire Council to take over trusteeship of the land which they did in 1948. The Council did not accept any financial responsibility regarding improvements or maintenance.

In 1958, the Council proposed selling the land due to lack of public interest. Outrage was expressed at community meetings over the proposal and in 1963 the Eric Foote War Memorial Sanctuary Association was formed and with Council approval took over the management and development of the land.


Address:Park Lane, Buderim, 4556
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -26.6777757
Long: 153.072896
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Park
Monument Theme:Conflict


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:1948
Front Inscription

Eric Joseph Foote War Memorial Sanctuary

Lest We Forget


Inscription in Proximity

Eric Joseph Foote War Memorial Sanctuary Association

This section of post and rail fence came from the historic old Queensland home of Dr Hugh Kirkland Shaw named "Marimba" on Orme Road, Buderim.

In this home the Initial Exploratory Meeting of Foote Sanctuary Pioneers was held on 9th. August, 1963


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au