
Park Road Memorial GatesPrint Page Print this page

Park Road Gates Inscription : 27-05-2014
Park Road Gates Inscription : 27-05-2014

Photographs supplied by Diane Watson / John Huth

The gates were erected by the residents of the Stephens Shire as a permanent monument to the men and women who served in World War One.   A plaque was added to the gates in 1979 to commemorate those who served in World War Two, Malaya, Korea, Borneo and Vietnam.

The residents of the district assisted by the Stephens Shire Council recently erected gates at the railway entrance to the honour avenue and these were formally opened by His Excellency the Governor of Queensland, Sir Matthew Nathan on the 21st May 1921. Prior to opening the gates and the memorial tablet, the Governor said that as he went through the country he found everywhere memorials to those who had fallen in the Great War. They told him two things - that in all parts of Queensland there was intense courage and readinees for self sacrifice and love country, and in more peaceful times the people remembered and honoured the fine qualities of these heroes.
The Queenslander, 21st May 1921


Address:Park Road, Yeronga Memorial Park , Yeronga, 4104
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -27.518168
Long: 153.019815
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Gates
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 21st May, 1921
Left Side Inscription

This plaque has been dedicated as a memorial to those men and women of the District who served in World War II 1939 - 1945


Malayam Korea, Borneo and Vietnam

1948 - 1973 

11th November 1979

Right Side Inscription

These gates have been erected by the residents of Yeornga and District as a permanent memorial to those men and women of the suburb who served in the Great War.

1914 - 1919


Source: MA,QWMR
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au