
Discovery of Tetrapod FootprintsPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Sandra Brown
The memorial commemorates the discovery of tetrapod footprints by local Norman Wakefield which were verified by Paleontologist James Warren in 1971. The memorial features a sculpture of the tetrapod and footprints, taken from a cast at the site, in concrete at the base of the memorial.  

Tetrapods were the first animals to evolve on land from water around 380 million years ago. 


Address:Park Road, Old Genoa Bridge Approach (next to Genoa Campground), Genoa, 3891
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -37.472872
Long: 149.592221
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Technology


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:2010
Front Inscription

This structure commemorates the discovery by Norman Wakefield, and verified by paleontologist James Warren in 1971, of
footprints laid down on sandstone of the upper Genoa River Gorge, Coopracambra National park, in mid Devonian times,
around 380 million years ago.

The life-size sculpture depicts the Tetrapod, thought to be responsible for creating the footprints set in concrete below, taken from a cast at the discovery site.

Tetrapods (animal with four feet) were the first animals to evolve on the land from water. Their predecessors were fish,
they resemble large salamanders. 

Erected in 2010 by the Genoa Town Committee Inc. to celebrate East Gippsland`s rare and unique natural heritage.

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au