
Stannary Hills MemorialPrint Page Print this page

The memorial commemorates the centenary of the opening of the mining tramway and the vision of the pioneers of the former tin mining town of Stannary Hills which was founded in the tin mining boom of the 1880s. 

So promising were the finds that in 1902 a South Australian company built a railway line to link the area to the government service. By around 1907 Stannary Hills had grown to almost 800 people, with five hotels, two butchers, commission agents, a bank, post office, laundry, cafe/restaurant, general stores and even a billiard saloon. There was a 14-bed hospital with a permanent doctor, a school and a police station. There were even three churches.


Address:Irvinebank Road, Stannary Hills
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -17.314805
Long: 145.217369
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Technology


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:June - 2002
Front Inscription


Following the discovery of minerals nearby in 1883, mining development commenced despite the isolation. With construction of a tramway to Rocky Bluffs from Boonmoo on the Chillagoe railway in 1902. Stannery Hills became a small but important centre of industry and commerce for a short period to the Great War.

Various factors contributed to the diminishing importance of mining, and with no other industry to support the town, the population drifted away. The school closed in 1931, the tramline was demolished in 1941 and the town had ceased to exist by the mid 1950's.

This monument commemorates the centenary of the opening of the mining tramway,and the vision and enterprise of all associated with it. We celebrate the life and times of Stannary Hills and its citizens, and the enduring role played by this and nearby mining communities in the fabric of Nth Qld history.

This plaque was kindly donated by:-
Seniors Travel Club
                                       June 2002

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au