
National Engineering Landmark - Fremantle HarbourPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Chris Abbott
The plaque recognises Fremantle Harbour as a National Engineering Landmark.  This Harbour was constructed between 1892 and 1900 to the design by Engineer-in-Chief C. Y. O`Connor and replaced hazardous ocean jetties.
The Institution of Engineers Australia, through its Heritage Committees, established the Australian Historic Engineering Plaquing Program to acknowledge past engineering achievements and to draw public attention to the significant contributions they have made to society.The Plaquing Program is a means of bringing public recognition to significant historic engineering works and the engineers who created them. The Program is intended to contribute to the conservation of Australian engineering heritage.



Address:1 Cliff Street, Fremantle, 6160
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -32.054359
Long: 115.741341
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:Technology


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:1990
Front Inscription

National Engineering Landmark

Fremantle Harbour

This Harbour was constructed between 1892 and 1900 to the design by Engineer-in-Chief C. Y. O`Connor and replaced hazardous ocean jetties.

Over seven million cubic metres of rock and sand were blasted and dredged from the mouth of the Swan River to create a harbour protected by twin breakwaters - the first large-scale use of tipped rock construction in Australia.

The scheme exemplified far-sighted engineering design and skilful management of the environment.

Dedicated by the Institution of Engineers, Australia and Fremantle Port Authority, 1990


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au