
Archie GrantPrint Page Print this page

The memorial was erected over the grave in memory of Archie Grant who was accidentally killed at Mort`s Dock in 1902. 

A large number of the friends of the late Archie Grant, who was accidentally killed at Mort's Dock last year, gathered at the Field of Mars Cemetery, Ryde, last Sunday, to witness the unveiling of the monument recently erected by his comrades. Mr. John Storey, M.L.A for Balmaln North, performed the ceremony, and with some very appropriate remarks made reference to the deceased's ability both as a footballer and swimmer. He was ably assisted by Mr. E. Howes, hon. sec. N.S.W. Swimming Association, and Mr. D. Boyd, who, on behalf of the relatives of the deceased thanked those who had given much time and trouble to bring about the erection of such a fitting memorial. Amongst others present were the secretaries of the N.S.W. Football Association, Mort's Dock and Balmain Swimming Clubs, Balmain, Balmain-Gladstone, and Balmain Federal (Association), Football Clubs, and the Balmain - Gladstone C.C., besides other representatlves of the various sporting bodies In and around Balmain. The monument, which stands about 8ft. high, is of marble, erected on a freestone base, and was carried out by Mr. A. E. Roberts, monumental mason, of Balmaln.
Australian Star (Sydney), 11 May 1903.


Address:Quarry Road, Field of Mars Cemetery, Ryde, 2112
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.812035
Long: 151.124764
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Grave
Monument Theme:People


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Sunday 10th May, 1903
Front Inscription
WHo Was 
Accidentally Killed
At Mort`s Dock 
12 Aug 1902
    In His 
21st Year 
Erected By

a few friends as a token of their
esteem and admiration

His Sun Went Down While It Was Yet Day
Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au