
Deaths En-RoutePrint Page Print this page

The plaque commemorates those who died while travelling to the settlement of Kingscote.


Address:Seaview Raid, Reeves Point Cemetery, Kingscote, 5223
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -35.647411
Long: 137.626061
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:People


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 27th July, 1996
Front Inscription

In memory of those who died en-route to this settlement

Mr Edmunds, 3rd mate and Mr Thompson, 1st mate
"Lady Mary Pelham"

Elizabeth Chandler, an emigrant
"John Pirie" 1836 - buried at sea

William Howlett, an emigrant
"The Emma" 1836 - died after arrival
Buried hereabouts by S. Stephens

Mr E. W. Osborne and Dr John Slater
passengers on the "Africaine"
Lost when walking across K. I. - November 1836

Maria Kleeman, nee Helm
"Solway" 1837 - died at sea
Buried hereabouts

And others unknown.

Erected by the Kangaroo Island Pioneers Association Inc. through the generosity of its patron, Mrs Frank Beare

Unveiled by Elisabeth Monaghan, nee Beare

27 - 7 - 1996

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au