
Robert StandleyPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by Stephen Warren

Standley Park commemorates Robert Standley who in 1858, was the first European settler at Mount Wudinna.

From  A. BEVISS:— In The Register, of September 9 "T. Partridge, Clarence Park," described Mount Wudinna, and alluded to that great pioneer the late Robert Standley. Mr. Standley was the first to lease that remarkable bit of country, and he stayed there until he was carried away to die at Franklin Harbour. He was a splendid bushman, clever at everything, a blessing to travellers, and a thorough gentleman. He gloried in his pioneering days, and was fond of describing the mount. It is a wonderful stone, one solid, smooth mass, which can, as T. Partridge stated, be seen clearly 60 miles away. The country is fertile all round, and very pretty, and with a cool spring of water at the foot of the mount. But now Standley, the pioneer, is forgotten, and through the ignorance of succeeding Governments in cutting up the country and building railways all round the mount, not even the good old pioneer's name is preserved. There should be a railway station and a town called after him. Mr. Standley saved many a man's life, in piloting him safely home through the dense scrub, and he never accepted any reward. But for him there would not be a farm within 40 miles of Mount Wudinna today. I cannot understand why the pioneers of South Australia have been so neglected, when their names should be immortalized.
Register (Adelaide), 18 September 1924.


Address:Medley Terrace, Standley Park, Wudinna, 5652
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.043994
Long: 135.461342
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Park
Monument Theme:People
Approx. Event Start Date:1858
Approx. Event End Date:1896


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:1979
Front Inscription

Plaque :

Lions Club Project  Started 1979


In Honor And Memory Of Robert Standley
First White Settler Mt. Wudinna  1858 to 1896

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au