
Bishop James TurnerPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by John Huth

The stained glass window commemorates Bishop James Francis Turner (1829 - 1893). The centre panel was unveiled in March 1896 and the window completed in 1900. 

Bishop Turner was nominated to the new see of Grafton and Armidale, New South Wales, and was consecrated in Westminster Abbey on 24 February 1869. With his wife Mary, he arrived in Sydney on 13 August in the Commissary and was installed at Armidale on 10 September. His see, equal in area to England and Wales, had a nominal Anglican population of about 25,000 and ten clergymen, mostly itinerant.

He convened the first diocesan synod in May 1873 and in 1881 divided his diocese into two archdeaconries. The decision enabled the Grafton section to deal with some of its own affairs, but the duality expressed in the title of his diocese constituted a major problem throughout his episcopate. St Peter`s Cathedral, Armidale (1875) and Christ Church Cathedral, Grafton (1884) owe much to Turner`s continuing interest in architecture, his opposition to pretentiousness and regard for `fitness and goodness` in church building.

Churchmen throughout the Diocese of Grafton and Armidale will be glad to hear that the memorial window to the late Bishop Turner has just been completed in the Cathedral at Grafton. The entire cost is about £400, and an inspection of the window, which is a masterpiece of art, will give an index of the Church's feeling to their late Bishop. At the base of the window are the words "To the glory of God, and in pious memory of Right Rev. J. F. Turner, D.D., Bishop of this Diocese, A.D. 1869-1893." Extending across the window is Leonardo Da Vinci's conception of the Lord's Supper. The great central panel, immediately above this, depicts the Crucifixion. To the right of this are panels depicting the Annunciation (St. Luke 1st ch., 28th verse) and the Nativity (St. Luke 2nd ch., 11th verse).

The text of the central panel being St. John 19th ch., 25th verse. To the left are panels depicting The Burial (St. John 19th ch., 38th verse) and The Ascension (Acts 1st ch. 11th verse) ; the figure of the risen saviour being surrounded by Cherubs, and the words " Jesus shall so come." Above these are groups of tracery showing St. Matthew, represented by an angel, and St. Mark by a lion. These are surmounted by a panel depicting the Paschal Lamb. On the left side, St. Luke is represented by a bull, and St. John by an eagle. These two are surmounted by a pelican, with a nest of young ones, all being symbols of Scriptural moment. Then high above all is a group depicting the Saviour judging the world. Under this is a dove; these, too, are surrounded by figures cf angels. The unveiling of the central panel took place on All Saints' Day, 1896.  The window is certainly a treasury of art, and will be appreciated by church folk and citizens generally, and reflects great credit on Messrs Lyon, Cottier and Co., the contractors. 
Clarence and Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW), 27 January 1900. 


Address:Duke & Victoria Streets, Christ Church Cathedral, Grafton, 2460
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -29.692979
Long: 152.934948
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Window
Monument Theme:People
Designer:Lyon & Cottier (Sydney, NSW)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Tuesday 17th March, 1896
Front Inscription

To the glory of God and in pious memory of the Right Rev. J. F. Turner D.D., Bishop of the Diocese, A.D., 1869 - 1893

Source: MA, ADB
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au