
Admiral Sir Francis Hyde Print Page Print this page

The single light window in the baptistry was erected in memory of Admiral Sir Francis Hyde KCB, CVO, CBE (1877-1937), former chief of the Royal Australian Navy (1931 -1937). 

Taking over as the head of the Royal Australian Navy in 1931, Hyde was particularly concerned with the navy's inadequacy of defence, and lack of funding, following the Great Depression. He attended a naval commander-in-chief conference in Singapore, and traveled to England in 1935, for a technical discussion with the Admiralty. In 1936, while still in England, he acted as adviser to the Australian High Commissioner, Stanley Melbourne Bruce, and was a participant in discussions which led to the formation of the Second London Naval Treaty. As World War Two threatened in the mid-1930s, Hyde became responsible, as the first naval member of the Australian Naval Board, for the strengthening of the Royal Australian Navy. He did this by creating close associations and relationships with the Royal Navy. 



Address:Nelson Street, St Mark`s Chapel, HMAS Cerberus, 3920
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -38.365678
Long: 145.190872
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Window
Monument Theme:People
Approx. Event Start Date:1931
Approx. Event End Date:1937
Designer:David Taylor Kellock


Front Inscription
To Honour The Memory Of 
Admiral Sir Francis Hyde K.G.B. 
     C.V.O., C.B.E.
Source: MA, ADB, VHD
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au