
Corporal Howard McKern & Sapper Stewart McKernPrint Page Print this page

The marble plaque commemorates Corporal Howard Taylor McKern who died of wounds received during World War One. An additional brass plaque was attached to commemorate of his brother Stewart Hessel George McKern who was killed in action during World War One. 

Mr. and Mrs. M'Kern, of Murrurundi, Mosman, have received intimation that the Military Medal has been awarded to their son, Sapper Stewart H. G. M'Kern, of the Field Company Engineers, for bravery in the field. He was reported wounded and missing in the engagement at Broodseinde. 
Sydney Morning Herald (NSW), 14 March 1918.


Address:Raglan & Canrobert Streets, St Clements Anglican Church, Mosman, 2088
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.833447
Long: 151.239977
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:People


Front Inscription

In loving memory of

Corporal Howard T. McKern.

4th Battalion A.I.F.

Died at Malta 15th August 1915 from wounds received in the charge of 1st Brigade, Lone Pine, Gallipoli

Aged 22 years

"He counted not his life dear unto himself."

Also his brother 

Stewart H G McKern, MM,

1st Field QS Engineers, AIF.

Killed in action Passchendaele, France,
6th October 1917. Aged 22 years.

"Blessed be the pure in heart."

Source: NRWM, MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au