
Sir Mark SheldonPrint Page Print this page

The plaque commemorates Sir Mark Sheldon (1871 - 1956), noted philanthropist and financier, who was regarded as one of Australia’s leading banking and commercial figures in the early decades of the twentieth century, representing Australia abroad on a number of occasions. 

The plaque was unveiled at his former home "Trahlee" where he lived from 1905 to 1956. 

Today we unveiled a plaque to Sir Mark Sheldon KBE, noted philanthropist and businessman, who was regarded as one of Australia’s leading banking and commercial figures in the early decades of the twentieth century. The plaque is located at his former home "Trahlee": 9 Ginahgulla Road, Bellevue Hill.

The ceremony was presided by Deputy Mayor Cr Sarah Swan, and nominator Gabrielle “Gay” Gollan (Sheldon's great-granddaughter) also spoke on Sheldon's life and family. Others in attendance included several generations of Sheldon's family (granddaughter through great-great-great granddaughters), Cr Peter Cavanagh, Cr Mary-Lou Jarvis, Lyndell Droga representing Allegra Spender MP, and representatives from Sancta Sophia College and St Ignatius’ College Riverview.
Instagram, Woollahra Libraries, 6 October 2023. 

The Woollahra Council Plaque Scheme honours exceptional people or events associated with our local government area, that have made a significant impact on life in the area or Australia as a nation.


Address:9 Ginahgulla Road, Bellevue Hill, 2023
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.875091
Long: 151.250351
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:People


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Friday 6th October, 2023
Front Inscription

Woollahra Municipal Council 

Sir Mark Sheldon KBE

1871 - 1956

Businessman and philanthropist lived here at the house Trahlee

Celebrating Our History

Source: Woollahra Council
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au