
Edward Easter CollinsPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Sandra Brown

The park commemorates Alderman Edward Easter Collins for his public services to the community. Mr Collins, who died in 1936, was a former Mayor of Wagga.

WAGGA (N.S.W.), Monday. — More than 2000 people assembled in Collins Park, Wagga, yesterday afternoon, to witness the ceremonies of dedication of the area as Collins Park and the depositing of the ashes of the late Alderman Edward Easter Collins, M.L.C. The mayor (Alderman H. McDougall) renamed the park in appreciation of the public services of Alderman Collins. The urn containing his ashes was placed in a plushlined cavity cut out of a concrete block set into the ground on the eastern side of the bandstand site, which will later be converted into a raised garden plot. The aperture was sealed with a concrete slab, which was then surmounted by a larger stone and sealed with cement.
Argus (Melbourne), 21 April 1936. 


Address:Forsyth & Fox Street, Collins Park, Wagga Wagga, 2650
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -35.112504
Long: 147.364694
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Park
Monument Theme:People
Sub-Theme:Government - Local


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Sunday 19th April, 1936
Front Inscription

        This Tablet
 Was Erected By The
Wagga Wagga Municipal Council
As A Tribute To The Public Services
   Of The Late Alderman
Who Died On The 8th April 1936
And In Whose Honour This Park Was
On The 19th April 1936.

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au