
Alderman Patrick NolanPrint Page Print this page

Alderman Patrick Nolan : 20-December-2012
Alderman Patrick Nolan : 20-December-2012

Photographs supplied by Peter F Williams

Fountain commemorates Patrick Nolan who was a grocer in nearby Princes Street, Grosvenor Square for many years and an alderman for Gipps Ward from 1900 until his sudden death in 1904 at the age of 42.

The announcement of the death of Alderman Patrick Nolan, which occurred at his residence, 35 Oxford-street, at 1 o'clock yesterday morning, came as a shock to those of his friends who were unaware of his illness. Until a fortnight ago he enjoyed good health, but during the recent spell of wet weather he contracted a cold, and, pneumonia supervening, he became seriously ill. Dr. O'Neill and Dr. Chisholm Ross remained in constant attendance upon him, but all that medical skill and devoted nursing could do proved unavailing. Mr. Nolan, who was 42 years of age, and leaves a widow and three children, was born in Kilkenny, Ireland, and arrived at Sydney 18 years ago. For many years he was engaged in business as a grocer in Princes street, Grosvenor-square, but about 15 months ago he removed to Oxford-street. He was returned to the City Council four years ago as the representative of Gipps Ward, and on the expiration of his term of office was re-elected. Popular with his fellow-aldermen, Mr. Nolan's natural shrewdness and practical knowledge enabled him to render good service in the council, and the news of his death was received with general regret. The funeral will take place today. 
Sydney Morning Herald (NSW), 25 May 1904.

The movement to erect a memorial to the late Alderman Patrick Nolan in recognition of his public services and private benevolence is being taken up with energy by his many friends. At a further meeting in the Federation Hall on Thursday, 18th instant, there was a representative gathering, at which a subscription list was opened, and about £63 subscribed. Ald. R. G. Watkins presided, and the attendance include Ald R.W. Richards, Ald. T. Henley, M.L.A., Ald. George M'lvor, Mr. W. J. Spruson, Mr. W. Owen Healy, and others. Among the apologies received was one from Mr. R. D. Meagher, who forwarded a guinea to the fund and expressed his sympathy with the movement, stating that Mr. Nolan was one of the whitest men he had ever met. The first resolution, moved by Mr. Spruson and seconded by Mr. W. Owen Healy, declared that it was due to the late Alderman Nolan to perpetuate his memory by means of a worthy memorial. This having been agreed to, it was resolved on the motion of Alderman Richards, seconded by Mr. W. Owen Healy, that an executive committee be formed for the purpose. On the motion of Alderman M'lvor, seconded by Mr. Wm. Owen Healy, it was decided to open a subscription list. It was also decided to leave the form of the memorial in the hands of the executive committee, composed of about twenty of the leading gentlemen present with Alderman Watkins and Mr. Healy as hon. treasurers and Alderman M'lvor and Mr. Spruson as hon. secretaries. Each of the aldermen spoke in the highest terms of the sterling worth of the late Alderman Nolan.
Freeman's Journal (Sydney), 27 August 1904.



Address:York & Lang Streets, Lang Park , Sydney, 2000
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.863889
Long: 151.205556
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Fountain
Monument Theme:People
Sub-Theme:Government - Local


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:1904
Front Inscription

A Tribute To The Memory Of
Alderman Patrick Nolan
An Honourable Man,
     A Good Citizen
And A Trusted Representative. 

Source: MA,H
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au