
John L. PricePrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Stephen Warren
The gates commemorate John L. Price for his service to the community as federal member of the House of Representatives. The gates were presented by Mr H.S. Dunks M.P.  John Price died in 1941. 

Mr. J. L. Price, representative for Boothby in the House of Representatives, died suddenly at his home on Wednesday at the age of 59 years. He was apparently in good health when he dined with the Premier (Mr. Playford) the previous day. Mr. Price was the son of the late Thomas Price, who was Premier of South Australia when the Eyre Peninsula Railway Bill was passed. He was himself elected to the South Australian Parliament for Port Adelaide in 1915, and resigned when he was appointed Agent-General for South Australia in London in 1925. He returned to Australia in 1928 and since that date has represented Boothby Division in the Federal Parliament. Mr. Price leaves a widow, and one son, Flight-Lieut. Price (overseas with the R.A.F.), and one daughter, Miss Joan Price. His brothers are : — Messrs. E. H. Price (engineer in S.A. Harbors Board), W. D. Price (general manager Government Produce Department) and T.A. Price (paymaster S.A. Railways.)
Port Lincoln Times (SA ), 24 April 1941.

A highlight ot the Mitcham District Gala Day held this afternoon at the Price Memorial Oval, Hawthorn, was the colorful parade of about 1,000 members of various organisations and army mechanical units. The Governor (Sir Malcolm Barclay-Harvey) took the salute. The John L. Price Memorial Gates at the entrance to the oval -itself named after the late M.H.R.'s father, Mr. Tom Price. South Australia's first Labor Premier-were opened by Mesdames J. L. and Tom Price. The gates were presented by Mr. S. H. Dunks, M.P. for the district, and erected by the Mitcham District Council. Dr. Grenfell Price. M.H.R., paid a tribute to the services rendered by Mr. J. L. Price. Police troopers and cadets gave displays, and Mitcham A.R.P. officials demonstrated how to extinguish an incendiary bomb. Tonight an A.B.C. concert party will perform, led by Joe Brennan.
News (Adelaide), 6 December 1941.


Address:Hawthorn Crescent , Price Memorial Oval, Hawthorn, 5062
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -34.972117
Long: 138.60143
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Gates
Monument Theme:People
Sub-Theme:Government - Federal


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 6th December, 1941
Right Side Inscription

The John L. Price Memorial Gates

Presented by H. S. Dunks M.P.

Erected by the Mitcham District Council

Opened by Mrs. Jonh Price

6th Dec. 1941 


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au