
King O`MalleyPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Arthur Garland

The Memorial Plaque commemorates King O`Malley, a Federal Parliament politician and a former Minister for Home Affairs.

King O'Malley (1854 – 20 December 1953) was an Australian politician. He was a member in the South Australian House of Assembly from 1896 to 1899, and the Australian House of Representatives from 1901 to 1917. O'Malley was also Minister for Home Affairs in the second and third Fisher Labor ministry. O'Malley was defeated at the 1899 state election, and the following year he moved to Tasmania, the smallest of the Australian colonies. Here a tall, fashionably dressed American preaching the Gospel and radical democracy drew immediate attention, and he was elected at the 1901 federal election as a member for Tasmania, along with four others

O'Malley was a visible figure in Australian public life during the early years of Federation. He is particularly remembered for his role in the establishment of the Commonwealth Bank and in the selection of Canberra as the national capital.


Address:Bass Highway & West Park Grove, Burnie Park, Burnie, 7320
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -41.047048
Long: 145.897999
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:People
Sub-Theme:Government - Federal


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Wednesday 28th January, 1976
Front Inscription

      To Honour
King O'Malley, Esq.  
Federal Minister Of Home
1910 - 1913 , 1915-16.
Pioneer, Commonwealth Banking
Corporation, The Royal Australian Navy
    And Canberra
Unveiled By The Premier
(Hon. W. A. Neilson, M.H.A.)
   28th January, 1976

Source: MA, ADB
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au