
Jack Cashion Print Page Print this page

17-April-2014 (Arthur Garland)
17-April-2014 (Arthur Garland)

Photographs supplied by John Huth / Arthur Garland / Peter F Williams

The seat commemorates topiarist Jack Cashion who started sculpting hedges around Oatlands in the 1960s.

Jack Cashion, who while working as a patrolman in the early 1960's on a stretch of the Midland (Heritage) Highway between Tunbridge and Oatlands, clipped a procession of topiary "rare birds and animals and other creations" along the side of the highway.


Address:68 High Street, Memorial Community Hall, Oatlands, 7120
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -42.299618
Long: 147.371481
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Seat
Monument Theme:People


Front Inscription

This seat is a tribute to Jack Cashion 

1914 - 1987 

From the community of Oatlands

During the 1960`s and 1970`s Jack established a trail of over 100 creative topiaries along the Old Midland Highway between  Oatlands and Tunbridge.

Admired and enjoyed by travellers from all over the world, Jack`s remaining animals and other decorative shapes are  a reminder of the past and an encouragement for the future

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au