
Lady BonythonPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Bryan Cole / Vicki Crawford

The plaque commemorates Lady Bonython O.B.E. (1891 - 1977) and the Bonython family for donating the funds for the construction of the Memorial Floating Bird Sanctuary in the Mount Lofty Botanic Gardens.

Lady Bonython was known for her charity work and was a member of some twenty-five committees and made her greatest contributions to those concerned with women and children. She had joined the Halifax Street Free (later Keith Sheridan) Kindergarten in 1913 (president 1925-71) and the committee of the South Australian Kindergarten Union in 1924 (chairman 1933-52). When the Lady Gowrie Child Centre opened in 1940, Lady Bonython was its chairman and remained so until 1971.

She was a founding delegate to the Australian Association for Pre-School Development and, on retiring in 1952, became life vice-president. That year the Jean Bonython Kindergarten at Belair was named after her. Having joined the committee of the School for Mothers' Institute and Baby Health Centre (later Mothers' and Babies' Health Association) in 1925, she was its president (1953-65) and patroness (1974): in the former capacity, she often visited country centres and received débutantes at balls. Lady Bonython was appointed O.B.E. in 1954. Adelaide's Torrens House Mothercraft Hospital named its Jean Bonython Wing in 1966.


Address:Mount Lofty Scenic Route, Cleland Conservation Park, Cleland, 5152
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -34.964944
Long: 138.695361
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:People


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:December-1983
Front Inscription

This plaque commemorates the memory of Lady Bonython O.B.E. members of the Bonython Family donating funds for  construction of the Memorial Floating Bird Sanctuary moored nearby.

December 1983

Source: MA, ADB
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au