Sister Mary Phyllis BoultonPrint Page
Address: | 38 Gumma Road, The Mary Boulton Pioneer Cottage & Museum , Macksville, 2447 |
State: | NSW |
Area: | AUS |
GPS Coordinates: | Lat: -30.710494 Long: 152.936837 Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate. |
Monument Type: | Plaque |
Monument Theme: | People |
Sub-Theme: | Community |
Approx. Monument Dedication Date: | March- 2003 |
Plaque :
Sister Mary Phyllis Boulton
Mary was the daughter of Austin Thomas Boulton (Shipwright) B 2.10.1875 and Mirah Louisa (Turnbull) and was Born 19.1.14. and Died 26.5.2003. She was born at the first Macksville Hotel, owned by her father, raised on the Boulton property and schooled at Macksville. It is thought she designed her home on the old hotel building. Mary`s Hospital Nursing Career began with her training at Renwick Infants, Liverpool Street, Summer Hill from 26.5.1938 until 9.6.1940.
[ List of Nursing Positions ]
Having worked in the medical field for a total of 36 years and a member of the NSW Nurses Association from 1954 to 1974. In 1960`s Mary took a trip to USA (five in all) mainly Arizona and California and was impressed with the American people because they looked after their heritage with numerous museums. This implanted and gave Mary the impetus that something should be done to preserve the pioneer history of the beautiful Nambucca Valley. She then began to collect relics of the valley and on the 4th April 1970 the Mary Boulton Pioneer Cottage was opened. In 1972 Mary added a skillion, machinery shed and a stable in these grounds. All funded by herself. The garden was Mary`s pride and joy having designed it, on an English Country Garden, as would many pioneer families. Most of the shrubs and plants are designed to be self sown and therefore come up each season on their own accord, as Mary said this relates to "Life-Generation after Generation" If you look around you will see English Roses, Sage, Eucharist, Calla and Day Lilies, Naked Ladies, Hippeastrum Cosmos, Daisies, Gerberas, Dutchman's Pipe, Black Eyed Suzy, Gladioli, Hens and Chickens, Ginger Bush, Nasturtiums, Geraniums, Crocus, Snow Drops, King Alfred Daffodils and in the north west corner large Cabbage Palm trees that are native to the Nambucca District. A Loquat tree prevails which is an English fruit tree along with a Common Lemon tree. In 1999 Mary donated the complex and land to the Nambucca Shire Council for preservation for future generations. Mary was for many years associated with horses this love of horses was due to her early days of riding to school. She rode over most of the valley and had a stable near her home and was a Foundation Member and Instructor for many years of the Macksville Pony Club. Mary was an original member and Life Member of the Nambucca District Historical Society and was Senior Citizen in 1998 and Shire Citizen of the Year 2000.
This plaque was dedicated March 2003 and donated by Macksville and District History Group.