
James Bellamy Bloodsworth & James BloodsworthPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by Russell Byers

The plaque commemorates James Bellamy Bloodsworth (1790 - 1857) and James Bloodsworth (1759 - 1804).

James Bloodsworth (1759-1804), master bricklayer and builder, was living at Kingston-on-Thames, England, in 1785 when sentenced to seven years transportation. In 1788 he was taken to Australia in the First Fleet in the Charlotte and was immediately appointed master bricklayer in the settlement at Sydney Cove. Since there were no architects in the fleet he was largely responsible for the design and the erection of Australia's first buildings, although the army and navy officers in the settlement had some knowledge of architecture.

Besides designing many private houses, Bloodsworth can be credited with the first Government House, which lasted from 1788 to 1845, and in 1790 the storehouse at King's Wharf on the shore of Sydney Cove.


Address:Louee & Cudgegong Streets, Rylstone, 2849
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -32.797312
Long: 149.971235
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:People


Front Inscription

In commemoration of James Bellamy Bloodsworth 

And James Bloodsworth Convict 1st Fleet
Master Bricklayer

Builder of 1st Government House 
Hyde Park Barracks and Government House Parramatta

Source: MA, ADB
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au