Alexander LovedayPrint Page
The park commemorates Alexander Brian Loveday (1934 - 1982) who was a land surveyor, historian and seaman.
Address: | Hooper Crescent, Alec Loveday Park, Tewantin, 4565 |
State: | QLD |
Area: | AUS |
GPS Coordinates: | Lat: -26.400854 Long: 153.029583 Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate. |
Monument Type: | Park |
Monument Theme: | People |
Sub-Theme: | Community |
Monument Manufacturer: |
Approx. Monument Dedication Date: |
Front Inscription
Source: MAPlaque :
Alexander Brian Loveday
Seaman - Land Surveyor - Historian
30 May 1934 31 July 1982
A founding member of the Noosa Outlook Development. A man of vision.
A Londoner by birth, Alec's love of the sea bought him to Australia where his interest in history developed through an admiration for the work of the early explorers, many of whom were also surveyors.
A gentle man of honesty, integrity, generosity, humour and compassion. Alec endeared himself to all who knew him. Although he still had much to offer his fellow men, it was God`s will that he be called early to rest.
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au