
Alf MustartPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Stephen Warren

The plaque commemorates Alf Mustart for his contribution to the Beachport community.

Alf Mustart played a pivotal role in the “Beachport Jetty stand off”, which strived to abolish threats by the government to shorten the jetty some decades ago.


Address:Beach Road, Foreshore, Beachport , 5280
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -37.481632
Long: 140.015173
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:People


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:October-2013
Front Inscription

Mr. Alfred William Mustart 13 / 01 / 1928   An Icon like the Jetty
An important event known as the "Jetty Stand-Off" happened in the 1970s
Alf or Musty (as he is know locally) along with Lil McCourt, kept a daily vigil for one week at the "Head of the Jetty" to stop the "Harbours Board of Adelaide" from entering this area.
Alf, who was a fisherman at the time, was determined that his "loved jetty" wouldn`t be shortened just passed the "slip - way" by the infamous "Harbours Board"
Throughout his working life at Beachport, after arriving in 1956, Alf`s passion for the jetty area was always evident.
No wonder the "Harbours Board" gave up and went home.



Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au