
Encounter Bay Re-Enactment & 75th Anniversary of the Royal Australian NavyPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by Bryan Cole

The plaque commemorates the visit to Goolwa of the Commanders of the ships H.M.S. Amazon, F.N.S. Commandant Blaison, and H.M.A.S. Flinders for the reenactment of the Flinders Baudin meeting on Encounter Bay in 1802 as part of a Jubilee 150 event. The plaque also commemorates the 75th Anniversary of the Royal Australian Navy.

South Australia celebrated the sesquicentenary (150th anniversary) of European settlement in 1986.


Address:Cadell Street, World War Two Honour Roll, Soldiers Memorial Park, Goolwa, 5214
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -35.503103
Long: 138.783733
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:Landscape


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 18th October, 1986
Front Inscription

To commemorate the visit to Goolwa by the Commanders of the ships H.M.S. Amazon F.N.S. Commandant Blaison        H.M.A.S. Flinders for the re-enactment of the Flinders Baudin meeting on Encounter Bay in 1802 and to commemorate  the 75th anniversary of the Royal Australian Navy. 

18th October 1986

A Jubilee 150 Event

Source: MA, RVWM
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au