
Q150 GPS Mark Print Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by John Huth

The spatial sciences profession ( surveyors, map makers and those who work with location information) placed over 60 GPS Marks at significant locations around Queensland during 2009 to commemorate Queensland's 150th anniversary and 150 years of surveying in Queensland.

The marks accurately depict latitude and longitude and provide the public with a means to check the accuracy of their in-car, in-boat and hand-held navigation devices.

The project was launched at the Museum of Lands, Mapping and Surveying in Brisbane on 24 June 2009.

Queensland's early explorers were often surveyors. Local members of SSSI (Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute) Queensland will tell the stories of early surveyors and map makers by placing signs adjacent to many of the GPS Marks and celebrating 150 years of Queensland's history through public events celebrating the past and showcasing the future of the profession.


Address:Crescent Street, Car Park, Childers, 4660
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -25.234944
Long: 152.279028
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:Landscape
Approx. Event Start Date:1859
Approx. Event End Date:2009


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:2009
Front Inscription

Commemorative Permanent Survey Mark






Inscription in Proximity

Q150 ( 1859 - 2009) GPS Mark

Celebrating 150 years of surveying and providing a spatial future in Queensland.

The Childers area was opened up in the lat 1800s to access the substantial timber resources of the Isis Scrub.  Alexander Aldridge surveyed 50 acre blocks around the town of Childers in 1882.  When the railway arrived in 1887, Aldridge and Frderick Charlton started surveying individual lots in the township of Childers.

Your Global Positioning System (GPS)


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au