
Pioneers of Murchison RegionPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Chris McLaughlin

The band rotunda commemorates the pioneers of the Murchison region. The rotunda is built on the site of the "Old Well".

Cue was, and remains, a gold town. In the early days the miners had to walk a long way to obtain water. To relieve the water famine the diggers decided they would either work a shift or pay for a shift to sink a well. The Warden who was still residing in Nannine contributed 20 pounds on behalf of the government. Dave and Bill Simpson got the contract and the well yielded a fair supply of water. The dump of earth left by the sinking of the well was used as a platform by local orators. In 1904, Cue Council decided to commemorate the site of the `Old Well` by the erection of a octagonal shaped rotunda.

An interesting ceremony was performed on Wednesday the 14th when the Mayoress laid the foundation stone of the rotunda which is being built over the site of what is known as the Old Well, to commemorate the memory of the pioneers of Cue. The memorial is situated in the centre of the main street, and the Council recently decided to fill it in and erect a rotunda on the spot.
The West Australian (Perth), 24th September 1904.


Address:Austin Street, Cue, 6640
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -27.423681
Long: 117.898102
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Structure
Monument Theme:Landscape


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Wednesday 14th September, 1904
Front Inscription

Erected to commemorate the site of the old well.

Foundation stone laid by the Mayoress Mrs J. W. Patterson, and presented by Mr. E. Lloyd

In honour of the pioneers of the Murchison District.

With water-bag and pick they conquered an inhospitable desert and carved out happy and prosperous towns.

Cue 14th September 1904.

Source: MA,NRUM
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au