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Centenary of Settlement of Weldborough Print Page
The plaque commemorates the centenary of settlement of the township of Weldborough in 1874, known at the time as Thomas’ Plains.
The town would subsequently become the centre of a highly productive dairy farming district but the discovery of tin in the surrounding hills resulted in a mining boom initially led by European settlers who were soon joined by up to 1000 people of Chinese origin.
The plaque lists the family names and occupations of the earliest known settlers. The area had previously been home to the Pyemmairrener Aboriginal people.
Address: | 29722 Tasman Highway, Weldborough, 7264 |
State: | TAS |
Area: | AUS |
GPS Coordinates: | Lat: -41.193959 Long: 147.904283 Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate. |
Monument Type: | Plaque |
Monument Theme: | Landscape |
Sub-Theme: | Settlement |
Approx. Event Start Date: | 1874 |
Approx. Event End Date: | 1974 |
Early residents of Weldborough 1874 - 1974
For the 1974 celebrations marking the centenary of the establishment of the Weldborough township, Mr Peter M. Grose in consultation with other members of Portland Municipal Council, drew up plans for a memorial walk to be planted through our town.
Plantings commenced in 1974 and were completed in March 2010 by Weldborough residents in recognition of the people who lived, worked and raised families here, making Weldborough their home during and after the mining era when up to 1000 people of Chinese origin lived and worked alongside those of British and European origins. Some of the family names are recorded below
BUTT miner, DWYER miner, MCLENNAN baker,
LATHEY miner, GROSE miner, EYRES dairy farmer,
SINGLINE dairy farmer, GOULD miner, RUSSELL hotel keeper,
GARDINER miner, WALKER miner, BAILEY carrier,
EDDY miner, CHINTOCK miner, DOBSON road contractor,
DICKINSON miner, MAA LOUEY miner, O`NEILL miner,
PAYNE miner, TAYLOR miner, CUMMINS carpenter,
BRYCE postmistress, FRANKLIN miner, STEVENSON storekeeper,
LAMBERT miner, YAXLEY miner, SMITH hotel keeper,
DENNIS grocer, HILL miner, SYMONS miner,
MAA MON CHIN mandarin, COOPER miner, BROOK mine manager,
H FOON carpenter, HARRISON miner, KELLY tinsmith,
LATHAM miner, PAUL miner, HEE JARM storekeeper,
LANSDELL mine manager, DAVEY miner, AMOS road overseer,
CHIN AH YOU miner, ADAMS miner, SUGDEN postmistress,
CUNNINGHAM teacher, HAYES miner, MUSICKA road contractor,
COCHRANE hotel keeper, McMILLAN miner, CHIN AH LIN herbalist,
MALLINSON pipe maker, PURCELL miner, WORKER shopkeeper.
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