
"Little Greece" Print Page Print this page

The section of Marrickville Road between Livingstone and Victoria Roads was renamed "Little Greece" in recognition of the heritage and the cultural contribution of Greek migrants to the area. The decision to rename the precinct coincided with the 200th anniversary of Greek Independence in March 2021. The official launch of the precinct was held on the 18th June 2022. 

Sydney’s Inner West Council are inviting the local Greek and wider community to attend free community celebrations on Saturday, June 18 to mark the official launch of ‘Little Greece,’ Marrickville. The precinct of ‘Little Greece’ will be established on Marrickville Road between Livingstone Road and Victoria Road. The Council has submitted this name to the Geographic Names Board for approval.

Inner West Mayor Darcy Byrne told The Greek Herald this formal renaming is about honouring “the history, heritage and ongoing contribution of the Greek community to Marrickville. This symbolic recognition of the contribution Greek Australians have made is about respecting our heritage, while also ensuring the Inner West never loses touch with its roots as the birthplace of Australian multiculturalism,” Mayor Byrne said. “I hope that in another 50 years our grandchildren will still be coming to Marrickville to eat Greek food, learn the Greek language and practice Greek culture.”

Official celebrations on the Saturday will began at the Alex Trevallion Plaza in Marrickville from 1pm where there will be plenty of Greek music and dancing to enjoy.  There will also be a celebration of the local commissioned artwork, Hestia’s Migration, by Ox King. The Sydney-based, Manchester-born artist told to The Greek Herald in December 2021 that his mural honoured Marrickville`s Greek history and community. 

Following these official proceedings, attendees are then invited to join a procession to The Great Club for a free concert featuring Hellenic Art Theatre and IHO Nyx Band.
The Greek Herald, 10 June 2022. 


Address:Marrickville Road, Between Livingstone & Victoria Roads, Marrickville, 2204
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.911011
Long: 151.157119
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Roadway
Monument Theme:Landscape


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 18th June, 2022
Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au