
Early Pioneers of Brown Coal MinePrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Sandra Brown
The carved wooden sculpture commemorates the early pioneers of the Brown Coal Mine. 

Prior to 1947 Yallourn North was known as "Brown Coal Mine". Yallourn North owes its origins to the discovery of brown coal in the Morwell area of Gippsland, in eastern Victoria. Initially private enterprise unsuccessfully attempted to profit from the large quantity of coal that was accessible close to the surface. The Victorian Mines Department took over the abandoned mine in 1917, after protected strikes by coal miners in New South Wales threatened Victoria's electricity Supply.



Address:12-16 Third Street, Old Brown Coal Mine Museum, Yallourn North , 3825
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -38.164322
Long: 146.364197
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Sculpture
Monument Theme:Landscape
Artist:Dianna Polglaze


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:2005
Front Inscription

Yallourn North & District 
Historical Society

Once an Oak tree, now a monument dedicated to the early pioneers who won the coal using picks and shovels in the Brown Coal Mine. 
Carved from one of the Oak trees removed from Third Street, Yallourn North. 

 Unveiled by 
Cr. Bruce Lougheed, Mayor of Latrobe City 
and former Brown Coal Mine resident Syd Pickard, 
during Coalies Week 2005. 
Sculptured by Dianna Polglaze.
Latrobe City Community Grants Program


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au