
Soldier Settler MonumentPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Graeme Saunders
The Memorial commemorates the World War Two returned servicemen who settled in the Eight Mile Creek District on soldier settlement blocks.

Described by the Minister of Lands (Mr. Hincks) as ''part of a revolutionary development programme" now being undertaken by the State Government in the South-East, the proposed soldier settlement at Eight Mile Creek was today inspected by a large official party. The chairman of the Land Development Executive Dr. A. R. Callaghan said that the project was the greatest reclamation and land development work of its kind yet undertaken in Australia. "There have been several smaller reclamation works in Tasmania and one in Victoria, but nothing approaching the utilisation of 4,500 acres, as is under way at Eight Mile Creek." said Dr. Callaghan. The Minister announced that the first 10 settlers would probably take over their holdings within 12 months. The land would be devoted entirely to dairying, and would provide farms for about 40 returned servicemen.

On his inspection today, the Minister also saw 3.500 acres of adjoining country which is being reserved as an agistment and breeding area for all block-holders on the rich, peat swamplands. Formerly covered by feet of water and by the thickest of scrub undergrowth, the Eight-Mile Creek area was largely cleared after water had been removed by engineers of the South-East Drainage Committee. The water which formerly made this rich land useless now pours into the sea at the rate of 100,000 gallons daily. Of this, more than half is disgorged through the main Eight-Mile Creek outlet. In opening the land for soldier settlement, the Government is faced with the serious problem of assisting the settlers to obtain adequate stock. To this end a herd of 1,083 heifers has been purchased, and breeding will soon begin. All stock have been tested to ensure their freedom from tuberculosis, and they have been injected against other diseases. The Minister said that when the whole area was settled there would be more than 2300 dairy cattle producing from a rich pasture area which was "hopeless" country a few years ago.
Advertiser (Adelaide, SA), 23 May 1947.


Address:Nelson Road, Ewen`s Ponds Conservation Area, Carpark, Eight Mile Creek, 5291
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -38.025699
Long: 140.790681
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Landscape


Front Inscription
This Monument Is To
Commemorate The Returned
Service Men Who Fought In World War II
And Were Later Allocated Soldier
Settlement Blocks In The
Eight Mile Creek District.
Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au