
Ludwig Leichhardt ExpeditionPrint Page Print this page

Leichhardt Plaque : 23-03-2011
Leichhardt Plaque : 23-03-2011
Photographs supplied by John Huth

The plaque commemorates explorer Ludwig Leichhardt and his party who camped at Jimbour during his expedition of 1844.

Leichhardt with a party of six left Sydney on 13 August 1844 and were joined by another four people in Moreton Bay. They then rode to Jimbour which, at the time was the last outpost of settlement. On 1 October they left Jimbour and for the next fifteen months they traversed western Queensland and the north-eastern section of the Northern Territory (a distance of nearly 5000 kilometres) arriving at Port Essington exhausted on 17 December 1845. When they finally returned to Sydney on 25 March 1846 Leichhardt was greeted as a hero and hailed as the `Prince of Explorers.'


Address:Dalby - Jandowae Road, Jimbour, 4406
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -26.963581
Long: 151.216933
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:Landscape
Actual Event Start Date:01-October-1844
Actual Event End Date:01-October-1844


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 8th October, 1955
Front Inscription

Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Leichhardt

Naturalist and explorer and party of pathfinders camped here, at Jimbour, on the way to Port Essington 1844

Unveiled 8th Oct 1955 for the Royal Geographical Society by the Hon. A. J. Mansfield (S.P.J.)

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au