
Landing of Matthew Flinders & George BassPrint Page Print this page

George Bass + Matthew Flinders
George Bass + Matthew Flinders

Photographs supplied by Diane Watson / Peter F Williams

The memorial commemorates the landing of explorer George Bass and Matthew Flinders in 1798 who commenced a four day survey of Twofold Bay. 

George Bass noted Twofold Bay in December 1797 as he travelled south down the New South Wales coast. On his return in early 1798 he entered the bay where he named Snug Cove for the security to shipping it afforded. It is here that the Eden Wharf now stands. Later in 1798 Bass set off again for Van Dieman`s Land with Matthew Flinders, this time making a detailed and accurate survey of Twofold Bay. It was during this survey that Bass and Flinders made contact with the local Aborigines.


Address:Imlay Street, Fisherman`s Wharf, Eden, 2551
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -37.072244
Long: 149.909702
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Landscape
Actual Event Start Date:10-October-1798
Actual Event End Date:13-October-1798


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 10th October, 1998
Front Inscription

To Commemorate The Landing Of Explorers 
Lt. Matthew Flinders In Command Of His First Ship
The 25-Ton Colonial Built Vessel  "Norfolk"
And His Good Friend George Bass, Near This Spot On 
           10th October 1798
To Commence A Four Day Survey Of Twofold Bay
While Awaiting Favourable Weather On Their Voyage
To Circumnavigate Van Diemen`s Land

Erected by the Eden Killer Whale Museum 10th October 1998

Source: H,MA, ADB
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au