
Centenary of the Incorporation of MelbournePrint Page Print this page

Bronze plaque on the wall outside the Lord Mayor`s Room with reliefs of La Trobe and the first mayor, Henry Condell, commemorating the centenary of the incorporation on the town of Melbourne.

Although the Act incorporating the town provided for the first election of councillors to take place on the first day of November following the passing of the Act, the election did not take place until 1 December, 1842. On 3 December 1842, the 12 councillors met at the Royal Hotel in Collins Street, took the oath of allegiance to Queen Victoria and made declarations of their acceptance of office.

On 9 December, they met again at the hotel behind closed doors to elect a mayor and aldermen. In a close election, Henry Condell was elected the first Mayor of Melbourne. He and Andrew Russell were elected the first aldermen for a six-year term and William Kerr and Henry William Mortimer were elected the first aldermen for a three-year term.

As a permanent memorial to yesterday's celebration of its centenary, Melbourne City Council has placed a large plaque in the Town Hall on the wall of the main passage outside the Lord Mayor's room. The plaque includes a bas-relief of Governor La Trobe and Henry Condell, the flrst Mayor of the municipality. In the main entrance vestibule to the municipal offices the council has also fixed a large marble wall tablet setting out a list of councillors in the centenary year.
Argus (Melbourne), 13 August 1942.


Address:90-130 Swanston Street, Town Hall, outside Mayor's office, Melbourne, 3000
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -37.81511
Long: 144.966541
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:Government
Actual Event Start Date:12-August-1842
Actual Event End Date:12-August-1942


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Wednesday 12th August, 1942
Source: VMR,MA, RHSV
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au