
Peace LoanPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by South Australian History Network – Public Domain

The plaque commemorates the over-subscription to the Peace Loan in 1919.

During World War One, to finance the war the Commonwealth had a series of war loans, and then peace loans. To recover the cost of the war and fund soldier pensions the government launched 'Peace Loan' campaigns after the war. Peace loans were similar to the war loans where people loaned money to the government and received interest.

Lucindale District Council
A telegram and letter were received from the committee of the Peace Loan, asking that a local committee be formed. The Chairman said he could not see the necessity for such a committee in this district, as the matter was being done by the banks. It was agreed, however, to call a public meeting for Saturday, August 19 (sic).
Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA), 19 August 1919.


Address:Centenary Avenue, Lucindale Historical Society Museum, Lucindale, 5272
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -36.971771
Long: 140.374488
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:Government


Front Inscription

Commonwealth Of Australia
         A. D. 1919
To Commemorate The Oversubscription
Of The Allocated Quota Of This Loan
The District Council Of Lucindale

P. J. Burke      Chairman

W. A. Watt        Treasurer
W. M. Hughes  Prime Minister 

Source: MA,SAHN
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au