
Formation of the Methodist Church of South AustraliaPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by Paul Scott

The plaque commemorates the formation of the Methodist Church of South Australia in 1900. 

In 1900 the Wesleyan Methodists, the Primitive Methodist and Bible Christian churches amalgamated to form the Methodist Church of South Australia, and in 1977 the Methodist Church of South Australia joined the Uniting Church of Australia.


Address:45 Robert Street, Moonta Uniting Church, Moonta, 5558
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -34.067469
Long: 137.588321
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:Culture
Actual Event Start Date:1900
Approx. Event Start Date:
Actual Event End Date:1977
Approx. Event End Date:


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Sunday 1st October, 2000
Front Inscription

This plaque erected 1st October 2000 commemorates the amalgamation in 1900 of the Wesleyan Methodists, the Primitive Methodists and the Bible Christians to form the Methodist Church of South Australia.

In 1977 further amalgamation of Churches formed the Uniting Church of Australia.

The Moonta Mines Ladies Guild formerly known as the Moonta Mines Methodist Ladies Guild formed in 1900 was originally  a group known as `Ladies Helpers` who raised funds to liquidate the debt of the chapels.


Source: MA,PS
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au