
Awabakal PeoplePrint Page Print this page

The monument erected on private property on an island in Belmont Lagoon by BHP commemorates the Awabakal People . It outlines the Awabakal myth explaining the creation of Belmont Lagoon from the tears of Pontoe-Boong, the spirit man of Yellana the moon. 

Awabakal (also Awabagal) is an Australian Aboriginal language that was spoken around Lake Macquarie and Newcastle in New South Wales. The name is derived from Awaba, which was the native name of the lake. The territory of the Awabakal covered the area between the Hunter River and Tuggerah Lakes including Lake Macquarie. 


Address:Ocean Park Road, Belmont South, 2280
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.043889
Long: 151.665
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Culture
Designer:Ainslie Roberts
Monument Manufacturer:BHP Newcastle Works & Comsteel , Waratah
Source: H,MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au