
125th Anniversary of Frances Primary SchoolPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Stephen Warren

The memorial commemorates the 125th anniversary of Frances Primary School from 1888 to 2013. The memorial features a stone wall and plaque in front of which is a series of inscribed pavers. 

It might be a little school, but there's a lot of history out at Frances Primary School. The 125th year of that history was celebrated over the weekend with old scholars returning to the tiny town from far and wide to commemorate the place where many spent their childhood years. People came from as far away as Western Australia to attend.

Lavinia Hannaford, one of the main organisers, was pleased with how things turned out. "I think it was a great success," she said. "It went really well." She said the feedback about the school was a highlight. "Everyone was really impressed with the school. It's a great little school they have there."

On Friday there was a dinner and registrations at the Frances Hotel where everyone came together to catch up on old times. Saturday was the big day with official ceremonies. Principal Natalie Gherardin welcomed everyone to the day.

Lavinia's husband Peter was master of ceremonies for the day which featured speeches from Anne Hannaford, who spoke about the history of the school and the surrounding areas, ex-student Charles Koch and ex-principal Gary Thompson.

A plaque on a memorial wall, with the stone donated by Henschke Industries, was unveiled by the oldest living student, 86-year-old Bevan Phillips, and the youngest current student Sophie Tapscott.

School captain Georgia Shepherd and junior class student Sam Pridham planted a memorial tree in respect to those in the school community who had died young.
Excerpt from Naracoorte Herald (SA), 11 April 2013. 



Address:Racecourse Road, Frances Primary School, Frances, 5262
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -36.708861
Long: 140.956751
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Culture
Approx. Event Start Date:1888
Approx. Event End Date:2013
Monument Manufacturer:Henschke Industries


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 6th April, 2013
Front Inscription

Celebrating 125 Years 
1888 - 2013
[ Names ] 


Frances Primary School

125 year celebrations
1888 - 2013

In fond memory of all past and present students, teachers and school community

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au