
Sydney Harbour Boat Crash 2008Print Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Peter Williams

The plaque commemorates the six victims of the Sydney Harbour Boat Crash in 2008.

Fourteen young revellers had been celebrating at the Commercial Hotel at Balmain when they decided to take a boat - only licensed for eight - for a joyride around the harbour. Their expedition ended in tragedy when their overloaded work boat collided with a fishing trawler.

The skipper, Matthew Reynolds, was found to be intoxicated when he handed the wheel of the boat to unlicensed passenger Percy Small who had also consumed alcohol and drugs.

Matthew Reynolds was convicted of manslaughter of the victims while Percy Small was convicted of six counts of dangerous navigation causing death.


Address:Darling Street, Sea Wall Fence, Thornton Park, Balmain East, 2041
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.856612
Long: 151.195641
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:Culture


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Thursday 1st May, 2008
Front Inscription

 In Loving memory of
The Sydney Harbour Crash Victims

Alex Rumiz    - 22
Stacy Wright - 21
Elizabeth Holder  - 20
Savanna Holloway - 25
Alex Nikakis-Pondy - 30
Ashlie Ayres - 32

1st May 2008

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au