Donor Honour BoardPrint Page
The honour roll commemorates people who have donated tissues or organs and the recipients.
It is a wooden board with a log roof, with panels on both side with inscriptions of people’s names and the year they donated. There are also two bench seats with plaques.
Address: | Dodd Street , Lake Monger Reserve, Wembley, 6014 |
State: | WA |
Area: | AUS |
GPS Coordinates: | Lat: -31.924167 Long: 115.825556 Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate. |
Monument Type: | Honour Roll |
Monument Theme: | Culture |
Sub-Theme: | Community |
Link: | http://www.uts.edu.au/research-and-… |
Actual Monument Dedication Date: | Sunday 20th May, 2001 |
Front Inscription
Source: MA,ACPHDonor Honour Board.
The Health Department of Western Australia and Donate West proudly pay tribute to organ and tissue donors, who in death, gave life and well-being to others.
Remembrance through the Donor Honour Board allows families to have their loved one’s contribution to transplantation within Australia acknowledged and celebrated.
Launched by the Hon. R. C. (Bob) Kucera, AMP, MLA Minister for Health 20 May 2001.
[ Names ]
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au