
Centenary of United Grand Lodge of New South WalesPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Heather Stevens

The plaque commemorates the centenary of the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales which was formed in 1888. 

The first Grand Lodge was opened in Sydney in 1845, Brother Robert Barr being the first Grand Master, and Brother Andrew Alexander, the Deputy Grand Master Brother Alexander was the Grand Master the following year. The institution grew and prospered; No.2 Lodge was opened in 1845, No.3, No.4, and No.5 (in Kiama on the New South Wales South Coast) in 1846, No.6 and No.8 in 1847, No.7 in 1850.

The Grand Lodge of Ireland and the Grand Lodge of Scotland were also warranting lodges in New South Wales, and creating their own provincial Grand Lodges.

On 16 August 1888, after considerable consultation, the Masters and Wardens of the one hundred and eighty-three lodges assembled, the articles of union were again adopted, and the " United Grand Lodge of New South Wales " declared to be duly constituted and established. The first Grand Master was Lord Carrington, Governor of New South Wales.


Address:Castlereagh & Goulburn Streets, Sydney Masonic Centre, Sydney, 2000
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.878099
Long: 151.20838
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:Culture
Actual Event Start Date:16-August-1888
Actual Event End Date:16-August-1988


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 13th August, 1988
Front Inscription

United Grand Lodge of New South Wales
1888 1988 

This stone was set by Most Worshipful Brother Professor R. A. Woodman Ll.M Grand Master

To commemorate the Centenary of United Grand Lodge of New South Wales 1888 - 1988 within the Bicentennial Year of Australia

13th August 1988. 

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au